The so-called learning method is true no matter what language. If you read the article several times in Paper 1 Reading and still can't understand the meaning or you don't have time to do it in the exam, you may not be good at it yet, but you may just not master the reading skills. It doesn't matter, read this article, it will be helpful to you.
[DSE English] Paper 1 Reading Skills Guide
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According to the information in the 2024 English subject assessment syllabus of the HKEAA, English Paper 1 accounts for the total subject score of 20% ,Part A and Part B each account for 10% points.
question format
- Multiple Choice (MC)
- True or False (T/F)
- Matching
- Summary Cloze
- Short Question/Long Question (SQ/LQ)
- Short answer - reference questions (XX refers to ____); Find synonyms/antonyms, etc…
- Long answer——Explanation question (Explain…/Why…); Stated that… question; Analytical position question (Do you agree…)
Reading answering skills:
Tip 1: Narrow your answer range
Many times, candidates start answering questions after they have finished reading, but in fact, reading while answering is the fastest way. The questions in Paper are all from top to bottom of the article in order, so if you skip questions or answer and read at the same time, it will not affect your answers to the previous and next questions, and it can save time.
In addition, candidates can also pay attention to the prompts given in the questions, which can help you narrow the scope of reading. For example, Question 1 is asking about the beginning of the first paragraph, and Question 2 is asking about the beginning of the second paragraph, then the answer will be Between the beginning of the first paragraph and the beginning of the second paragraph.
Tip 2: MC questions
One of the four answers in MC is a trap answer. It seems correct, but it must be made clear whether the question requires the best answer or whether there are additional conditions.
Tip 3: Summary Cloze
Summary Cloze appears almost every year, and the answer secret is to test the candidates' familiarity with new words and understanding of the meaning of the text. Although the answer can be found in the article, the context needs to be changed. The answer to the question cannot be copied completely. At the same time, candidates are also asked to pay attention to the traps in the questions.
For example, there are questions like this in the 2017 DSE Paper 1 Part A test questions:
The matter becomes worse if people rinse their recyclables using (iv)___ ___ and the electricity used to produce that heat comes from a (v)___-burning power station.
The original sentence corresponding to the article is He calculates that if you wash plastic in water that was heated by coal-derived electricity…
(iv) The answer is "hot" - hot water or heated water. You can't find the exact corresponding words directly in the article.
(v) The answer is coal, but this can be copied directly.
Tip Four: "Reference Questions"
This tests the candidates' understanding of the "subject" and "object" sentences in the article.
For example, there are questions like this in the DSE 2013 Reading Part A test paper:
Who developed PEG?
The original text is Almost thirty years ago, Chinese researchers started working with experts from the Conservation Office in Germany to develop a preservative known as PEG to help save the warriors' colors.
The question does not say how many people it is, but by understanding the sentence, we know that the answer is Chinese researchers and experts from the Conservation Office in Germany. Try to restore the original sentence in this part, do not change it to researchers and experts.
DSE Paper 1 Recommended time:
Part A: 35 minutes
Part B: 45 – 50 minutes
Check exam papers: 5 – 10 minutes
It is not recommended for candidates to omit the last part of checking answers. Based on past experience, in many cases, checking the test paper can allow candidates to directly advance to a grade. Even if you can't upgrade, this part can still prove your ability to the examiner. After all, this is a Chinese exam, and the most important thing is to prove your Chinese ability.
Should I do B1 or B2 first?
According to the available data 2012 – 2019 DSE English Paper 1, fewer and fewer B1 students are selected every year, which means that the “conservative” strategy in the past is no longer applicable. Many outstanding candidates at Level 5, 5* and 5** did not give up B2 even if they could not do B2. It can be seen that in terms of "desirable points", it would be better to choose B2.
In the English Reading Long Question, should I copy back the question or rewrite it myself?
The answer is to refer to the title/article keywords as much as possible. Copying them back does not mean that your English ability is low.
What should I do if the problem arises and I can’t understand the idioms?
In this case, you can only guess by yourself. It is generally recommended that candidates accumulate more knowledge of English idioms for later use. In fact, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority also knows that not everyone is good at all idioms, so it will be merciful in changing the scores, as long as the candidates guess half of them correctly. Of course, guessing is not random guessing. Candidates need to carefully study the context in which idiom appears and then make inferences based on the context.
For example, in the article A and B are rivals, and idiom appears after this sentence, then we can speculate that this idiom may mean "Enter the Dragon", so it is important to understand the context. In fact, Reading is a learning process in which continuous reading deepens memory and expands vocabulary. The more you read, the more you will find that the problems are getting simpler. Chinese language is actually a subject that requires continuous accumulation of learning knowledge. When we continue to absorb knowledge, our understanding of the context and our ability to master new words will also be greatly improved.
Every year, there are some candidates who are not very rich in time. If they want to achieve high scores in the shortest time,DSE English subject score, in addition to daily study, you may considerEnglish cram school, achieve the most efficient learning in the shortest time, because英文補習老師It exists to help candidates avoid detours. If you are a candidate with sufficient budget, you can choose the recommended oneOne-to-one English tutoring, because in one-to-one tutoring, the teacher focuses on you alone. They can better understand your learning problems and can explain them more patiently.
Anyhow, cramming is not the right way to study. Perseverance in daily study and diligent study and memorization are the foundation of learning. I hope that all candidates can get the results they want.
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