
DSE選科指南 🎓✨


1. 你的興趣 (可多選)

2. 目標大學主修

3. 現時成績(100分為滿分)

Choosing subjects in Form Three is an important choice and the key to embarking on the path to DSE. You may feel confused and don’t know what to doSecondary 3 elective subjects. Faced with many subjects, how to choose the one that suits you best?Secondary 3 subject selection呢? 2024年的Secondary 3 elective subjectsThe time is coming. Choosing a subject is not as simple as picking a few subjects. This is an important decision that affects the future. To help you make the best choice, we have prepared thisSecondary 3 Subject Selection Guide. Here are detailedSecondary 3 Selected SubjectsStrategy, let you becomeSelect subjects達人! 高中課程分為核心科目、選修科目和其他學習經歷。在本Guide to choosing subjects, we will introduce each elective subject in detail. includeSecondary 3 elective subject English,Secondary 3 elective subjectsDifficulty etc. I hope this guide can help you find the bestSecondary 3 subject selection. Let's get out of this togetherSecondary 3 Selected SubjectsLet’s travel!

key focus

  • Understand your interests and strengths and choose the most suitable subject combination
  • Weigh the learning content and difficulty of different subjects
  • Pay attention to the relationship between subject selection and future further education and employment
  • Appropriately refer to the opinions of teachers and parents, but the decision-making power rests with you
  • Be prepared in advance and face the challenges of subject selection with an open attitude

The Importance of Choosing Subjects in Secondary Three

Subjects that are too difficult may affect your DSE results. Subjects that are too easy will also limit your future choices.
Choosing a subject that suits your abilities and inspires your passion for learning is important for your future studies.
You need to consider the impact of your choice of secondary three subjects on your future career. Each combination of subjects leads to different college majors and job options.
Elective subjects Relevant university majors future career direction
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics (M1/M2) Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Science Doctors, pharmacists, engineers, scientific researchers
Economics, BAFS, Mathematics (M1/M2) Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Economics Banker, Accountant, Financial Analyst, Entrepreneur
History, Chinese Literature, Geography, Ethics and Religion Law, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education Lawyers, social workers, teachers, civil servants
It is important to plan your further studies early. Understand the requirements of your preferred major, and then choose subjects based on your interests and strengths. This will help you in your future studies and work.
  • Understand your interests and abilities early
  • Consider future education and employment directions
  • Weigh the difficulty of each subject
  • Consult with teachers and seniors for their opinions
  • Choose subjects that inspire a passion for learning
Choosing a subject is a turning point in your life. It will affect your future studies and career. You need to think carefully and choose the option that best suits your future development.

Preparations before choosing subjects in Form Three

Preparation for choosing subjects in Form 3

Understand the DSE course structure

The DSE curriculum consists of 4 core subjects and 2-3 elective subjects. Some students also take the extended component of mathematics (M1 or M2). There are more than 20 elective subjects in high school, each with 5 levels. Students need to understand the structure of DSE in order to be ready to choose subjects.
Subject Category include subjects
core subjects(compulsory) Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, General Education
Elective subjects 20 subjects in different areas of study, such as biology, chemistry, physics, economics, geography, Chinese history, etc.
Other learning experiences Moral and civic education, social services, work-related experience

Know your interests and strengths

When preparing to choose a subject, understandPersonal interests and strengthsVery important. There are several ways to get to know yourself:
  • Take a career aptitude test or personality test to understand your own traits and abilities
  • Review your junior high school performance and find out the subjects you are good at
  • Try different types of extracurricular activities and explore diverse interests
  • Discuss your ideals and goals with teachers and family
Choosing subjects is more expensive than more. You should combine your abilities, interests and goals to choose the subjects that are most suitable for your future development.
Understanding the DSE courses and yourself is the top priority in preparing for subject selection. Doing so will provide a good foundation for future subject selection. Students should make plans early and make wise choices at critical moments.

Factors to consider when choosing a subject

Future study direction

When choosing a subject, it is important to think about your future major in college. Different subjects require different high school elective subjects. For example, students who want to study science may need to study physics and chemistry. For students who want to major in business, good math and Chinese skills are very important.

Personal ability and subject difficulty

In addition to the direction of future studies, it is also important to understand your own learning ability. Different subjects have different levels of difficulty. You should choose subjects that suit you based on your performance in junior high school. This can avoid choosing subjects that are too difficult and affect your grades.

Subject combinations offered by the school

When choosing subjects, you should also consider the subjects offered by the school. Elective subjects vary from school to school. Some schools may not offer certain subjects, or may put several subjects together. Students should understand the school's subject selection situation to avoid missing out on the subjects they want to study. At the same time, you should check whether the school's subject selection meets your needs, and consider changing schools if necessary.
Factors to consider when choosing a subject suggestion
Future study direction Understand the university subjects you are interested in and choose the corresponding high school elective subjects
Individual ability Choose subjects of moderate difficulty according to your own learning ability
Subject difficulty Avoid choosing too many difficult subjects that are beyond your capabilities
school subject combination Pay attention to the elective subjects offered by the school and weigh whether they meet the needs for further studies.
Combine your own interests, abilities and future plans, and then look at the school situation to choose the best subject combination. Choosing subjects requires critical thinking and consultation, and should not be done haphazardly. Only by choosing the right subjects can you study easily and lay the foundation for entering your favorite university subject.

Common subjects for secondary school electives

中學文憑試(DSE)的科目分為三種。這三種是甲類、乙類和丙類科目。甲類科目又分為必修的核心科目和選修科目。 核心科目包括中國語文、英國語文、數學和通識教育。每位考生都要學這些科目。而選修科目則有20個不同學習領域可供選擇。 當中三學生選科目時,一般可以選擇2至3個自己喜歡或擅長的科目。理科的選修科目有生物、化學、物理。文科選修包括中國文學、英國文學、中國歷史。商科則有經濟、企業會計與財務概論(BAFS)等。 學生也可以選修一些專門學科,比如設計與應用科技、健康管理與社會關懷。
Elective subject categories Common subjects exam format
science biology, chemistry, physics Written test and experimental assessment (points 20%)
liberal arts Chinese literature, English literature, Chinese history, geography Essay questions, data analysis questions, reading comprehension, etc.
Business Introduction to Economics, Business Accounting and Finance (BAFS) Multiple choice questions, structured questions
other Design and applied technology, health management and social care School-based assessment, practical assessment
選修科目時,要根據自己的興趣和能力選擇。同時也要了解各科的內容、考試形式和未來銜接。 理科強調邏輯思維和科學探究。文科則偏向語言表達和人文素養。商科注重數理應用和商業技能。每個學科的考試也不同,例如理科有實驗考核,文科有論述題。
No matter what you choose, you should communicate with your teachers more often when taking elective subjects. Consider personal interests, strengths, and future development directions. As long as you choose the right subjects and develop your strengths, you can perform well in the DSE exam.

Introduction to Liberal Arts Elective Subjects

Liberal arts elective subjects help students improve their language skills and critical thinking. In high school, you can choose about 20 elective subjects. These include Chinese literature, English literature, history and geography, etc. Liberal arts elective subjects

Chinese literature

中國文學課程旨在增進學生欣賞文學作品的能力。它涵蓋古典和現代文學,幫助你了解中華文化。 除了文學,你還會提升中文閱讀和寫作技能。DSE考試中,最高可獲5分。

English Literature

英語文學課程讓學生加強英語能力和文學理解。你會讀到英語詩歌、小說和戲劇,並探討它們的寫作方式和主題。 這有助於提高英語水平,並培養批判思維和創造力。DSE考試中同樣有卷一、卷二的部分。


歷史科讓你更深入了解本地和世界歷史。你將學習多角度分析歷史事件,課程內容包括中國和世界歷史。 透過歷史的學習,你將理解國家和民族的發展,養成批判和社會關注的態度。DSE考試有相應的評定。


地理科專注研究自然和人文環境,包括全球議題。課程必修涵蓋了7個部分,從地圖到全球暖化的影響。 通過學習地理,你會了解人與環境的關係。這有助於提升你環境和空間觸覺。 文科選修科目豐富了你的人文知識,同時增進了語文能力。為未來的升學打好基礎,培養人文素養。DSE考試中,最高等級是5,有5*和5等。

Introduction to science elective subjects

Science is the study of how the natural world works. These subjects help students build logical thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills. They are important for students who want to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


生物科研究生命現象與生物體結構。透過這門科學,學生能了解生命的奧秘。 課程包括細胞學、遺傳學和生態學。也會學到現代生物技術,像基因工程。 考試分三部分:卷一、卷二和SBA。卷一、卷二分必修和選修部分。SBA評估實驗技巧。


化學科學研究物質的性質和反應。學生透過化學了解我們世界的運作原理。 課程中包含無機、有機、物理化學。涉及到原子結構和化學鍵等重要概念。 DSE考試也分卷一、卷二和SBA。學生除了學知識還要展現實驗技巧。


物理科研究物質和能量相互作用。透過物理,學生了解自然界的規律。 課程內容包括力學、熱學、光學等。學生還會學到描述規律的數學工具。 物理的DSE考試同樣分為卷一、卷二和SBA。卷一、卷二涵蓋的是必修和選修知識。SBA評估學生的實驗技巧。
suject Paper 1 (compulsory part) Paper 2 (elective part) SBA
Biology 60% 20% Laboratory Techniques and Inquiry Laboratory Reports
Chemistry 60% 20% Capacity analysis and other experimental assessments
Physics 60% 20% Experimental skills
選擇理科選修科目是很重要的。這需要一定的數理基礎,但也能培養科學探究的能力。 學生可以根據自己的興趣和學校的選科建議,做出明智的選擇。不管選了哪些科目,都能獲得寶貴的邏輯思維和實踐能力。

Introduction to business elective subjects

Business elective subjects are suitable for students who want to take a business path. These subjects help students build solid business knowledge. Be prepared for future study and work. Business elective subjects


經濟科目教學微觀和宏觀經濟的基本。學生將了解市場運作原則和政府政策效應。這有助培養學生經濟學的思維。 通過學習這些,學生更了解經濟事件形成的原因和其影響。

Introduction to Business, Accounting and Finance (BAFS)

BAFS包括商業管理和會計等範疇。它涵蓋了企業運作、財務報表分析和個人財務管理。 這對那些想在商業界發展的學生非常有幫助。
BAFS exam section Proportion of total score Examination Content
Paper 1 (compulsory part) 60% Accounting, Business Management
Paper 2 (elective part) 40% Accounting Unit/Business Management Unit (choose one from the two)
取得BAFS考試4級成績,一般需要54%以上的分數。想拿到最高5*或5級,則至少需要70%的總分。 就商業管理單元說,拿到5級的分數一般需要73%以上。 總之,學習經濟和BAFS等科目有利學生未來在商業領域取得成功。與此同時,雖然在大學申請方面不獲優待,這些知識對銜接商學課程幫助很大。填麗學生在就業市場競爭中也具優勢。

Introduction to other elective subjects

中學文憑試有很多其他選修科目。這讓學生根據自己興趣和長處選擇。這些科目讓學生學習不同領域的知識。 例如,資訊及通訊科技教導電腦和網絡知識。這有助於日後從事科技相關工作。而倫理與宗教則討論道德和宗教,讓學生學會獨立思考。 科技與生活讓學生了解科技如何影響我們的生活。這培養了學生的創新和解決問題的能力。 音樂和視覺藝術科目有助於發展學生的創造力和審美觀。音樂科訓練他們創作音樂,視覺藝術科教繪畫和設計。 體育科教導運動技能和保持體適能的重要性。這有助於培養學生的毅力和團隊合作精神。 選擇選修科目時,應考慮自己的興趣和未來規劃。一些科目,如資訊科技和體育,可助你在大學專業領域進一步學習。而音樂和藝術的背景,則有助事業發展。 最重要的是,要選擇那些你真心感興趣的科目。這樣在學習時你才會有動力。
Other elective subjects Study requirements The way forward
information and communications technology Strong interest in computers and technology, with logical thinking ability Computer systems analyst, software engineer, network security expert
ethics and religion Strong critical thinking ability and able to objectively analyze different viewpoints Religious minister, counselor, social worker
Technology and life Likes hands-on practice and has creativity and problem-solving skills Product designers, scientists, engineers
music Have musical talent, be able to play an instrument or have knowledge of music theory Musician, composer, conductor, music critic
visual art Have artistic talent and proficiency in painting or design skills Artist, designer, art director
physical education Good at sports, likes to exercise and compete Athletes, coaches, physical education teachers
When selecting elective subjects, Secondary 3 students should comprehensively consider their personal interests, abilities and future development directions. Whether it is mainstream subjects or other elective subjects, the most important thing is to choose subjects that you are passionate about. Only in this way can you be motivated to learn and have more opportunities for future development.

Strategies for choosing subject combinations

Course selection strategies for studying both liberal arts, science and commerce

Advantages of studying both liberal arts, science and business

There are many benefits to choosing to study both arts, science and commerce. You can learn knowledge from all aspects. To do this, you can:
  • Expand knowledge and improve analytical skills
  • Learn to look at problems from different perspectives
  • Accept different learning styles
  • Have more choices for the future
For example, studying Chinese history and literature can help you understand Chinese culture more deeply. If you study economics and BAFS, you can understand business operations. Adding some science subjects, such as biology or chemistry, can increase your chances of further education.

Avoid taking too many difficult subjects

When choosing subjects, don’t forget to consider the difficulty level of the subjects. Subjects such as physics, chemistry and biology require you to have strong understanding and analytical skills. If you choose too many difficult subjects, the learning pressure may be too great, which is not good.
Recommended number of elective subjects reason
2-3 pieces Allow students enough time to consolidate their foundation and delve deeply into each subject
Try to avoid more than 4 Too many elective subjects will bring heavy study burden and make it difficult to achieve ideal results.
Therefore, choosing subjects should be based on personal circumstances, such as interests and abilities. You might as well ask your teachers and family members. Use these suggestions to formulate the most suitable course selection plan for you, so that you can learn the subjects you are good at and prepare for future development.
When it comes to choosing subjects, just be good at it, there is no need to choose too many. Think long-term, give full play to your own advantages, and don't blindly follow the trend.

The role and suggestions of the secondary school subject selection test

為了協助學生做出明智的選科決定,許多機構如青年協會提供性向測試。這些測試幫助學生了解自己的性格和能力,給予選科的建議。 得到性向測試結果後,學生應結合個人興趣,選擇最合適的科目。如果一個學生在語言溝通上表現出眾,又喜好文學和歷史,那文科就適合他。同樣,數理能力突出且對科學研究感興趣的學生,可以選理科。 家長和學生在參考測試結果時,需記住這不是唯一的選科依據。學生還應該考慮自己的學習興趣、未來升學志願等。最終,選科的決定權在學生手裡,測試結果僅供參考。
local university Minimum entry requirements Elective subject requirements
University of Hong Kong (HKU) Chinese and English must be at Level 3 or above Elective subjects require Level 3 or above
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Chinese, English, Mathematics, and General Studies must reach Level 3322 Individual departments have specific elective subject requirements
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Best 5 subjects with scores of 15-21 points Faculty of Science are required to take two science subjects
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Chinese and English must reach Level 3 Individual subjects have different subject weights
Students should consider test results, personal interests and university admission requirements before choosing elective subjects that suit them. This will prepare you for future studies and employment.

Seek input from teachers and parents

在中三選科的過程中,學生要了解自己的興趣和能力。也要考慮未來想走的路。聽取老師和家長的意見很重要。 選科是要跟老師和家長溝通的。這樣學生可以更了解學科,並且得到支持。

Discuss suitable subjects with teacher

Teachers are good helpers in guiding students to learn. They know the needs of different subjects and recognize student performance. Students should ask their teachers questions about subject selection and future development. Students and teachers discuss subject selection When choosing subjects, communication with parents is also important. Parents know their children best, they know their children's strengths and needs.

Communicate your thoughts with parents

父母在學生的成長中扮演重要角色。在選科時,學生應跟父母說清楚自己的選擇。比如,如果想讀醫科,就要介紹相關專業的機會。 有時家長可能不贊同孩子的意見。學生應虛心聽取家長的看法,雙方都應該理解對方。在尋求共識時,要顧及對方的感受。 最後,選科不僅僅是學生自己的事。家長的參與和支持也很重要。
communication principles student parents
Active expression Express your ideas and plans clearly Express expectations and concerns when appropriate
listen patiently Listen carefully to parents’ ideas and concerns Give children ample space to express themselves
Seek common ground while reserving differences Empathize with parents’ perspectives Respect children’s interests and ideals
mutual understanding and accommodation Make appropriate adjustments while adhering to principles Give children some freedom of choice
In general, choosing subjects depends on sincere communication with teachers and parents. Only in this way can you understand yourself more deeply and make better decisions. With the support of teachers and parents like this, students will be on the road to success.

Frequently Asked Questions about Secondary Three Subject Selection

For secondary three students, choosing subjects is really important but full of doubts. Below are answers to some questions frequently asked by students, hoping to provide some reference.
    1. If I choose certain subjects, will I be unable to choose certain university departments?
University departments have requirements for high school subjects, but most are flexible. Learn about the departments you are interested in as early as possible and choose relevant subjects. For example, if you are interested in engineering, it will be helpful to choose physics or chemistry.
    1. What are the tips for studying elective subjects well?
Consider your own interests and strengths when choosing, so you will be more motivated. You must also understand the subject content and requirements and manage your time well. When you are in trouble, it is important to have the courage to ask for help.
    1. How many points are required to pass each elective subject?
Diplomas are graded on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. University requirements are usually Level 3. However, it depends on the specific requirements of the target school.
Subject selection question types Proposal
The relationship between subject selection and university departments Understand university admission requirements early and choose subjects based on your interests and goals
How to learn elective subjects well Use your strengths, arrange your time reasonably, and develop good study habits
Eligibility criteria for elective subjects Generally required to reach level 3 or above, which varies by school and department.
Choosing subjects is one of the three major challenges. Be fully prepared and believe that everything will go smoothly and pave the way for the future.
選科是需要慎重思考的。要了解自己的興趣、能力和目標。多聽老師和專家的建議,選出最適合自己的科目。 選科不是一時衝動,要經過深思熟慮。滿懷積極和樂觀,保持對學習的熱情。這樣才能在高中和未來的路上成功。 這一節介紹了許多選科的問題,幫助同學們面對選科的困惑。透過 HTML 標籤和相關關鍵字,以及鼓勵性的引言,我们希望給學生們一些寶貴的指導,助他們做這個重要的決定。

in conclusion

The choice of subjects in Form Three is very important for students’ future development. This is aPlanning for the future的關鍵時刻。學生應根據自己喜歡的科目和能力,做出選擇。 瞭解不同學科的特點對選科很關鍵。選科時,平衡個人興趣和該科學習後的機會很重要。文、理、商科有不同的學習和就業路。學生應探索自己喜歡的領域,不限於傳統學科。 取得選科合適並非終點,而是開始。學生不必急於把握一切。保持靈活,未來還有修改補救的機會。最終,希望各學生都能選到理想科目,積極在學習中發展。


What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a subject?

When choosing subjects, consider your personal preferences and learning needs. Choosing subjects you like can increase your motivation for learning. At the same time, future academic and work needs should also be considered. Choose subjects that will help you develop in your future life.

How do you know which elective subjects are suitable for you?

了解自己的興趣和能力很重要。可以做一些性向測試或者聊天評估。這有助於分析自己的性格,看哪些科目最合適你。 與老師討論各科內容也是一個好方法。老師會幫你了解細節,以便判斷哪些科目適合你。此外,嘗試參加不同類型的活動,也可以幫助你找到自己真正感興趣的。

Will I be unable to apply for certain university departments if I choose certain elective subjects?

大學通常有要求你選擇哪些選修科目。比如醫學院可能要求你修讀化學和生物。但如果你沒選那些科目,但成績很好,你也許有入讀的機會。 所以別忘了看看你想進的學系有什麼要求。這會幫助你做出更明智的選擇。

What should I do if the combination of elective subjects provided by the school is not ideal?

If the school's elective subjects don't meet your needs, consider changing schools. Ask other schools about their course portfolios. Make sure the school you choose can meet your learning needs and benefit your future.

If there are too many subjects that you are interested in, how should you choose?

選 2-3 個最感興趣和有信心學好的科目。再加上其他的科目,保持多方面的學習。不要貪多選太多,以免影響學習。 善用時間和精力,適時放下一些科目。這樣有利於深入學習那幾門真正在乎的科目。

How to get good grades in elective subjects?

首先,選擇你真正感興趣並且有信心的科目。這樣可以增強你的學習動力。 然後,建立好的學習習慣。包括預習、複習和做筆記。這些動作有助於你更深入地理解知識。 協作學習是個好點子,組成學習小組互相輔助。不懂的地方,記得隨時向老師求助。 做好刷題和練習,把學到的知識應用在實際中。最重要的是堅持不懈。如果你努力,肯定能在學業上取得好成績。
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