Featured Mentors

the UniversityDepartmentteacher sexTeacher introduces himselfteacher educationDSE ChineseDSE EnglishDSE Mathematicsdse general studiesAvailable gradescurrent occupation
Hong Kong universityengineeringmaleNine-year experience HKU undergraduate mathematics and science specialist

I am a graduate of the University of Hong Kong. I am currently a full-time tutoring tutor. I have just been admitted as a master student by the University of Hong Kong. I have more than nine years of tutoring experience. I have taught primary school students and different Banding middle school students. There are many tutoring students, including one-on-one and Group tutoring and online teaching, rich experience and excellent grades in mathematics and science subjects, Mathematics, Physics and Chinese Conversation, all scored 5** (full marks in physics and mathematics MC), and his ability is worthy of recognition. I have applied for DSE many times to understand the latest exam trends, and I have self-made notes and practical exam papers to explain abstract concepts and test-taking skills.

After-school services: SBA support, homework questions on mobile phones, information on further studies

One-on-one starting from 200/HR, depending on the location and level to adjust
Welcome to enjoy preferential prices for group tuition
1:2 from 150/HR per person
1:3 from 120/HR per person
master55**Form six or abovegraduate from university
Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityPhysiotherapyFemaleI once studied at the Holy Family College in Canossa, and my DSE English and LS scores are level 5*. I understand the language needs of English middle school students. Now studying in the Department of Physical Therapy, I also have a lot of experience in studying science, which can help students master the content of books and the skills of answering questions. I have also been tutoring for elementary school students and junior high school students. I am able to patiently teach students and teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and impart knowledge all the way.bachelor degree)55*45*Secondary 6College Students
Chinese University of Hong KongQuantitative FinanceFemale✨Introduce yourself
I am a graduate of the traditional girls' school ❇️ Xie En Secondary School ❇️. I have achieved top ten in many subjects in my academic career, and I am resident in elite classes in various subjects.
As a recent graduate, I have completed past paper practice for many years, and I am familiar with the question pattern and question types. I will be able to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and help students achieve unexpected results.
✨Private scholarship students come from: Kowloon Huaren, Xie En, etc.

✨DSE Predicted Grades:
Chinese 5*|English 5*|Mathematics 5**|Economics 5**|Chemistry 5**

✨Tutoring Details
❇️I once rebounded from the bottom of the valley, and I understand the difficulties of students
❇️Teaching in simple terms, tailor-made personal courses
❇️Have a complete set of previous test questions and by topic test questions
❇️Additional test questions and detailed answers are available if necessary
❇️24 hours whatsapp to ask books and homework
Secondary 65*5*5**Secondary 6College Students
Chinese University of Hong Kongsocial workFemaleI am currently studying in the Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and I am currently a third-year student. I once scored 28 points in the HKDSE, and scored 5** in both Chinese and Liberal Studies. In addition, I have worked as a part-time tutor in a small tutoring agency. I understand the curriculum of elementary schools. I also have three years of private tutoring experience. In addition, I have been an intern in a child development center and served children with special needs. I love getting along with children and young people, and I am kind and patient.bachelor degree)5**445**Secondary 6College Students
Hong Kong universityDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringFemaleI am studying biomedical engineering at the University of Hong Kong, and I have achieved excellent results in the 2019 DSE exam. Chinese is 5* (5** for reading comprehension, 5** for listening and synthesis), 5* for mathematics, 5* for chemistry, and 5* for physics. I have excellent grades in middle school, and I can get a scholarship every year. I am patient. I have two years of experience in teaching mathematics and science. I have taught many middle school students in mathematics, and they have made significant progress. I am confident that I can teach students more knowledge and help them make greater progress.bachelor degree)5*35*4Secondary 6College Students
City University of Hong KongLawFemale本人就讀城大法律系 (QS全球排名49),對不同年級的學生均有補習經驗,課堂上能耐心解答疑難。每堂均能提供學習筆記和相關練習,以確保能掌握和鞏固相關知識,自信能夠教導學生更多知識,助其獲得更大進步,同時亦歡迎課後於whatsapp發問。bachelor degree)Secondary 5College Students
Hong Kong university政治及法律Female港大法律4年級
現有5個補習學生 專補英文
有自己notes 可以全英上堂
bachelor degree)5*5*55*Secondary 3College Students
Hong Kong Polytechnic University職業治療Female本人具備三年補習經驗,已教授兩屆DSE。 現修讀理大職業治療學士學位。 於2018年DSE中文及LS(中文卷)取得5**,英文數學科取得5* ,可提供大量練習,針對各卷做法及技巧。 提供whatsapp問功課服務。本人具耐性和責任心,拔尖補底皆有經驗bachelor degree)5**5*5*5**Secondary 6College Students
Hong Kong universityQuantitative FinancemaleCurrently an HKU Quantitative Yr 3 student. Worked as an intern in Hedge Fund, Investment Bank, and Big4 Consulting. I excelled in my studies, obtaining Grade A in Corporate Finance, Macroeconomics, Derivatives, Econometrics, Portfolio Analysis. I am experienced in tutoring students from top-notched schools to an under-privileged backgroundbachelor degree)45*5*4Form six or aboveCollege Students
Hong Kong universityBEcon&FinmaleCurrent teacher (4 years of experience)
DSE Econ 5** / Maths 5*
HKU BEcon&Fin grad
Notes provided upon request
Good at understanding students’ needs
bachelor degree)5*5*5*4Form six or above現職老師________________________
City University of Hong KongInformation SystemFemaleI am outgoing and patient, have 2 years experience working in private tutorial center.bachelor degree)4445Secondary 3College Students
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology生物醫學male於英國高中new hall school畢業,並於英國公開試A level取得 AABB的成績(分別為:中文,化學,數學,生物)。並於國際英文水平測試ielts取得7的成績。現在就讀英國華威大學,修讀生物醫學。操流利英語口音,有耐性,有愛心。如學生要求可自備筆記,課後亦可透過WhatsApp聯絡Foreign secondary school or international schoolPrimary 6 or belowCollege Students
Lingnan UniversityBusinessFemale您好,我現正是大學學生,就讀嶺南大學一年級。本人熱心教導每位學生,而且非常有耐性。雖然我不是岀生於名校,但我亦發奮圖強,努力學習。本人公開試成績不俗,於中文,數學,通識取得level4,而經濟科更取得level5。我亦有2年補習經驗,在補習社工作及上門補習,有一定的補習經驗,現時亦有上門補習。 我認為學生的品德與學業同樣重要,希望閣下能考慮。bachelor degree)4344Primary 6 or belowCollege Students
香港公開大學Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and TranslationFemale本人正就讀香港公開大學語言研究與翻譯學士三年級,於嘉諾撒培德書院畢業,選修地理及企業、會計與財務概論。另外本人做事細心,認真,緊張成績,敬請考慮。bachelor degree)3333Primary 6 or belowCollege Students
Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologySchool of Business- OM and MarketingFemale您好,本人是女導師,有網上及上門為中小學生私人、小組和補習社補習3年經驗,正為來自九龍華仁書院和St. Stephen Girl College 學生補習,亦有任教高中生中文、經濟和數學科經驗,熟悉DSE考試題目和範文,DSE 成績Best 5 27分,中文5* 英 數 Econ bio chem 5, 於香港科技大學HKUST Buisness School 升讀year three,相信有助提高學業成績。bachelor degree)5*554Form six or aboveCollege Students
bachelor degree)4343Primary 6 or belowCollege students
Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyProfessional AccountingFemale本人現就讀香港科技大學會計系三年級,DSE數學5*經濟5,過去3年主要為中學生補數學經濟,以及擔任功課輔導班老師,擁有充足的補充練習,因此有信心為學生解答疑難。bachelor degree)445*4Secondary 5College Students
Hong Kong Polytechnic University運籌及風險分析理學碩士male「奪星不二之選」






masterForm six or above全職補習__________________________
Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyBEng in Civil Engineeringmale香港科技大學二年級生,主修土木工程學系,Math 5 M2 4
bachelor degree)3354Secondary 5College Students
Chinese University of Hong Kong食品及營養科學Female你好!本人於德望中學畢業,成績中上,有耐心。現正就讀於香港中文大學科學學士一年級,主修食品及營養學。本人DSE中文閲讀5*,綜合5,英文口語5*,數學5及Chem 5,IELTS overall 7,其中listening 8,reading 7.5,並有修讀M1(延伸數學)及中國文學,有一年多補習經驗。針對中文,我會教授成語,並與學生練習文言文;數學,我會選擇難的題目與學生一起解題,認識不同題型;英文則會教授句式生字,並與學生練習口語,達致流𣈱。謝謝!bachelor degree)4454Secondary 5College Students
Chinese University of Hong KongBBA in Hospitality and Real Estatemale我係中文大學就讀酒店管理,我曾經有指導過不同小學生,協助他們對學業的疑問。因此,我有充分的補習經驗!bachelor degree)Primary 6 or belowCollege Students
Hong Kong Baptist University教育Female你好,本人畢業於九龍塘band1中學,現將會就讀香港浸會大學教育系year1,可補小學一至三年級的全科,亦可跟進學生的功課和校內的默書小測,也可順應家長和學生的要求重溫和預習學校所教授的內容,有需要的話,可預備額外的練習和筆記,希望學生能在學業上有所進步。bachelor degree)3333Primary 3 or belowCollege Students
Hong Kong Polytechnic University英文系Female我在加拿大完成中學, 有良好英文水平, 口音純正。畢業於香港理工大學英文系。 有超過四年幼兒教育經驗,也有一年playgroup 導師經驗,希望你可以考慮一下,謝謝!bachelor degree)Primary 3 or below全職補習__________________________
Hong Kong universityBachelor of Nursingmale本人畢業於Band 1 英文中學,修讀Physics, Economics, M2, 透過Jupas 入讀香港大學 護理學學士,現在就讀Year 2。具有補小學,英文中學,中文中學的補習經驗。本人熱愛足球和羽毛球,於18歲已考獲足球教練資格,並持續參與足球和羽毛球教學工作3年,具有豐富與小朋友溝通的經驗。本人於中學連續5年參與校際英詩獨誦比賽並3次獲得第二的成績。於中四參與小學生的課託計畫 幫助小學生完成功課,於大學一年級參與了3次的義教團,包括貴州,尼泊爾,梅州的義教團等教學活動,希望可以幫助學生和激起他們對學習的熱情。亦有幫中學師弟妹補習的經驗。本人擔任香港大學利銘澤堂宿生會2019-20年度的體育幹事。此外還擁有5級樂理,6級鋼琴,啡帶柔道等資格。bachelor degree)4453Secondary 6College Students
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology土木工程Female現就讀科技大學土木工程系,畢業於真光女書院,曾仼小學和初中英文補底班之導師,有一年的補習和私補經驗,可提供練習和notes。Secondary 64454Secondary 3College Students
Chinese University of Hong KongEconomicsFemale本人在香港中文大學主修經濟,現職中學教學助理,將於下年度修讀教學文憑。為人友善、有耐性、負責任。為了幫助補習學生,本人能為上門補習學生提供相應程度的課外練習及私人補習筆記,以助學生取得高分。bachelor degree)5455*Form six or aboveother
Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyBiochemistry and Cell Biologymale本人現任教於九龍區一所小學,教授數學及常識。任職前曾於補習中心擔任導師超過3年,主要教授中文及數學。本人對各種教學法均有涉獵,相信能配合學生性格與能力,提供最合適的教學法。

P.S. 本人持有香港中文大學教育文憑(小學數學)
bachelor degree)4445Primary 6 or below現職老師________________________
Education University of Hong Kong幼兒教育FemaleI am a female tutor. I will be graduated in Early Childhood Education at The Education University of Hong Kong this year. I will have the license of Kindergarten Teacher, Special Child Care Work of the Social Welfare Department and Child Care Staff. I was studying in a band 1 primary and secondary school which is St. Francis’ Canossian College. I love children very much and I am a caring, patient and responsible tutor. I am capable to speak in Cantonese, English and Mandarin. I have won a lot of Chinese and English Speaking Festival awards. I have experiences in both private tutoring and tutoring centre and also school’s homework assistance teacher. IELTS: 7 DSE English speaking 5**

名校出身,今年畢業香港教育大學幼兒教育學系,有幼稚園實習經驗,將有幼稚園老師牌照、幼兒中心職員拍照和職特殊幼兒工作訓練課程證明。三年補習經驗,英文DSE speaking 5** IELTS:7 有責任感守時的女導師。

bachelor degree)3533Secondary 1College Students
Chinese University of Hong Kong護理系male本人就讀護理系3年級,文憑試英文、數學、化學及生物科獲得5分,現為3名中學生及2名小學生補習,其中有北區band1名校。本人已有超過3年中學生補習經驗,清楚了解中學課程及要求,學生補習後主科成績亦有明顯進步,家長亦滿意學生的成績及本人的教學態度。本人對學生十分有耐性,會用不同方法向學生解釋,令學生容易理解課本內容。本人亦懂教授英文拼音,令學生更易掌握英語,希望能幫助學生提升英文水平。除此之外,本人亦提供筆記及練習,幫肋學生熟讀每科重點內容。bachelor degree)4554Secondary 6College Students
Lingnan UniversityBA (Hons)in ChineseFemale本人現就讀嶺南大學中文系,有超過一年中小學生補習經驗,可提供練習和筆記。本人爲人守時、富責任感,並有志於畢業後投身教育界作育英才,故必用心教導每一位學生,希望各位家長予以考慮。bachelor degree)5334Secondary 5College Students
Chinese University of Hong KongBimodal Bilingualmale本人曾修讀中英雙語傳意課程,精通中文、英文,以及普通話。另外,本人亦懂英文國際音標(IPA),能教授學生正確的英式英文發音。本人對於教學非常有熱誠和有耐性,補習守時,上課時間彈性。此外,本人亦考獲ABRSM鋼琴8級,而且懂得配chord,有1年教授古典和流行鋼琴的經驗。bachelor degree)4343Secondary 1College Students
Chinese University of Hong Kong經濟系male本人於香港華仁書院畢業,為香港中文大學經濟系一年級學生,專科專教,並於2019 DSE 數學及所有選修科(生物,化學及經濟)取得Level 5的成績,而且在經濟科首年出現的DRQ(資料回應題)取得滿分成績。本人亦有一年的補習經驗,目前有一位中五學生經本人學習生物及經濟,該學生在思考上及成績上皆有所提升不少(本年度經濟科成績由尾四升至第六名)。課堂中會使用自備筆記,幫助同學理解經濟課程中的邏輯思考,從而令同學明白學習方法及分析問題的思考方式,減少背誦。Secondary 65Secondary 6College Students
Hong Kong Baptist University傳播male本人於沙田區英中林大輝英文中學畢業,具備一年專補小學住科和初中的教學經驗。 現修讀城大專上學院副學士學位。 本人能提供自製筆記,針對各卷做法及技巧。 教授文法,生字,句式等以鞏固語文根基,提供改文及whatsapp問功課服務。英文雅思達6級成績,能為學生提供良好的教育方式。non-degree courses2222Secondary 3College Students
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology商業Female我補習過小一至中二的學生,對小朋友的教學有一年嘅經驗,比較有耐心,而且會獎勵制度,可以提供練習bachelor degree)5444Secondary 4College Students
Hong Kong university土木工程male現正就讀港大土木工程系。本人於求學期間努力學習,成績優異,在DSE數學及經濟科亦取得5**成績。本人曾在過往四年期間亦曾於中學為過百名高中學生補習數學。教導中學生數學科應試技巧。

Secondary 6345**3Secondary 6College Students
City University of Hong KongHuman Resource ManagementFemale本人為香港城市大學畢業生,有多年補習經驗,曾替小三至中三生補習。本人除了可以提供練習給學生(如需要),也可whatsapp 解答學生問題。
bachelor degree)Secondary 3graduate from university
Hong Kong universityBA translationFemale你好,我係Karina, 香港大學 翻譯系一年級生,於沙田傳統名校 沙田官立中學畢業。本人有兩年補習經驗,曾為中小學生以及大專生補習,當中包括名校和國際學校學生。本人教學用心,務求為學生帶來愉快和充實的學習體驗。bachelor degree)5545Secondary 6College Students
Education University of Hong Kong幼兒教育Female你好,我現在就讀於香港教育大學的幼兒教育高級文憑課程,亦曾於香港理工大學就讀社會科學。我在中學畢業後一直都有與不同學生補習,所以有約三年的補習經驗,現時有一位小六的學生。non-degree courses4244Primary 6 or belowCollege students
Hong Kong Baptist UniversityHistoryFemale本人有6年補習經驗,於本港大學畢業後,曾赴美國進修心理學及從事教育工作達4年,現為芝加哥大學社工學系碩士生。bachelor degree)5*434Secondary 3graduate from university
Hong Kong universityhiFemale本人為應屆DSE考生,畢業於嘉諾撒書院,選修視覺藝術。本人對於繪畫有濃厚的興趣,將來亦有意投身教育。Secondary 6Primary 6 or belowother
香港公開大學BusinessFemale本人是一位大學生,現正在香港公開大學就讀商科,對教學抱有極大的熱誠!有愛心,有耐心,有耐性! 有小學生私人補習的豐富經驗!十分想幫助小學生補底,因我了解和明白較弱學生的心態和處境。若我能成為學生的導師,我會盡自己最大的能力令學生成續,學習動機和心態上有所提升。敬請考慮本人為貴子弟之補習導師bachelor degree)2232Secondary 2College Students
Chinese University of Hong KongComputer Sciencemale本人於沙田名校浸信會呂明才中學畢業,具備半年補習經驗。 現修讀中大computer science,於大學一年級期間曾經獲得dean list (cgpa:3.61)。有耐性,會課後解答。bachelor degree)4354Secondary 5College Students
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology機械工程male科技大學機械工程系4年級學生,dse math chem phy m2全部5星或以上,有多年補習經驗,可以提供練習bachelor degree)445**4Form six or aboveCollege students
Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitysocial workFemale本人畢業於港島區band1英文中學,具備兩年補習經驗。 曾入讀香港科技大學,後來因個人興趣而轉校,現修讀理大社會工作學士學位。 於DSE經濟科取得5*數學化學取得5。 本人中學時期成績良好,經常為同班同學師弟師妹解答問題,深知同學的難處。 本人有耐性及認真,時常為學生解答問題,不論long question/ mc都會詳細解答;本人亦有熱誠及責任感,有大量notes及pastpaper可供學生及課後whatsapp問書。希望可以藉此與同學分享讀書心得及方法,讓同學取得理想成績及入讀心儀大學。bachelor degree)4453Secondary 6College Students
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology數學系male本人現為香港科技大學 主修數學的三年級生,同時亦是一名專業半音階口琴手。

數學方面,曾考兩次DSE數學科試,不論核心科目/M2延伸課程 皆獲5級以上肯定。

bachelor degree)5Secondary 6College Students
Hong Kong Polytechnic University護理系male我叫michael,現任全職補習老師,有兩年豐富補習經驗,曾有學生在指導下由全級80名升至40名,可以提供針對性協助,理科及通識是我的強項。

bachelor degree)3334Secondary 5College students
City University of Hong Kong英語國際企業傳意(榮譽)文學士maleHello! I am a University student with the major in English and Business. I have obtained 70 marks or above in the most modules of Year 1 and Year 2 semesters. I am a passionate English tutor, and wish to provide 1 – hour tailor – made Zoom lessons for Primary 1 to Primary 6 students. In addition, I am also a one – to – one voluntary English of a Primary 3 student.

Topics Covered:
1) Tense Usage
a) Present Tense
—- Simple Present
—- Present Continuous
—- Present Perfect

ai) Past Tense
—- Simple Past
—- Past Continuous

aii) Simple Future Tense
Difference between “Be Going to” & “Will”

b) Passive Voices & Active Voices

c) Relative Clauses (Who, That, Which)

2. Writing Skills
i) Connectives such as Then, After That, & Finally
ii) Proper Structure of an article

3. Reading Skills
i) The Link between the Main Verb & Helping Verb
ii) Question Word Concepts (Who, When, What, Where, Why, & How)

4. Oral Practice
i) Self – Introduction (1 minute)
WhatsApp/Mobile: 96179129 (For any questions regarding English)
Secondary 62342Primary 6 or belowCollege students
Chinese University of Hong Kong內外全科醫學士課程 – 環球醫學領袖培訓專修組別FemaleHello! I am currently a Year 4 medical student (GPS) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I have two years of experience in tutoring IBDP HL/SL Maths and Physics, with some experience in tutoring younger students English as well. Rates are negotiable and I will be happy to provide Zoom/ Online lessons as well!Foreign secondary school or international schoolSecondary 6College Students
Hong Kong Baptist UniversityBachelor of Artsmale具1年小學、中五、六私補經驗,現職補習社導師。bachelor degree)4425**Secondary 6College Students
City University of Hong Kong媒體及傳播系Female本人是香港城市大學媒體及傳播系的應屆畢業生,主修數碼電視及廣播,副修創意媒體。我現居天水圍,中學亦就讀區內名校英中(崇德),現為全職補習老師,能配合其彈性補習時間。
我曾獲院長嘉許名單(Dean’s list),於在學期間取得多達十個獎學金及助學金。
In other work experience, I was a trainee reporter in the TV news department of RTHK (see: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA_ooeSEEnP0YcKXneTcJixggxaDMbqBn), a director in the TVB news department, Served as the bilingual emcee of ceremonies in both Chinese and English for the annual gala of the City University Orchestra.
In terms of extracurricular activities, I have communicated with Ryerson University in Canada, during which I showed fluent English news reporting (see: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA_ooeSEEnP3M_Jg0QkpcKTAjBhmmoR5b), and also obtained IELTS Overall Score 7, The professional qualification of CERF Level C1, won the champion of the English public recitation team of the Hong Kong School Recitation Festival in secondary school, and also joined the top English conversation class. He is also the student ambassador of Yuen Long. I am good at teaching Chinese and English conversation skills, and I will do my best to teach the knowledge I have learned to my younger brothers and sisters.
bachelor degree)5444Secondary 4全職補習__________________________
Hong Kong Baptist University幼兒教育male你好,本人於聖言中學畢業,現時就讀香港浸會大學幼兒教育學士的學位課程。而且,本人有三年的補習經驗,主要為k1至小五學生補習,現時亦有幫助一位k2及小二學生補習,懂得使用不同的技巧,來教導不同類型的小朋友。另外,本人亦非常有耐心及熱誠去教導小朋友,並樂意在課後解答學生任何問題。除此之外,本人亦對為幼稚園及小學的學生去準備個人面試有着豐富的經驗,為他們升讀小學或中學做好準備。bachelor degree)4343Primary 6 or belowCollege Students
Education University of Hong KongSocial Science in PsychologyFemale「用知識啟發智慧,用耐心培養信心」— 作為一位熱愛教學的在校工作者,這是本人一直秉持的信念,本人認為,能夠將知識授予他人,讓其聽得明白學得會、甚至因進步而使信心增加,這種滿足感是難以言語的。
bachelor degree)Secondary 6graduate from university
Chinese University of Hong Kong護理系Female中西區傳統名校 中大醫學院護理系畢業
會考26分(滿分為30) 2A4B
六年經驗 強項為math phy chem bio

深受學生及家長歡迎 累積學生人數過百
歷屆學生大多來自傳統名校,包括女拔,st mary,皇仁,bps,喇沙,真光,聖保祿,協恩,德望等等
bachelor degree)Secondary 6graduate from university
Chinese University of Hong KongScienceFemale本人現於香港中文大學就讀理學,並於沙田區英文中學畢業,中學時也在班上名列前茅,在HKDSE生物取得5*。有禮貌和責任心,有愛心,喜歡小朋友,態度認真,耐心教學,曾於學校幫助師弟妹補習,而且一直以來我也有為弟弟功課輔導,因此了解學生需要,明白學生不明白的地方,會耐性解答直至學生明白為止。可為小學生補習全科,功課輔導等和為高中生補習生物(英),如果提供時間不合適可遷就。bachelor degree)3444Secondary 6College Students
City University of Hong KongAccountingFemale你好,本人剛畢業於香港城市大學主修會計系及副修經濟金融系(CGPA: 3.74, i.e.Dean’s List &一級榮譽),中學畢業於觀塘區內band 1英中(聖傑靈)。本人從小校內各科成績不俗,於經濟、BAFS(會計)和數學DSE中取得level5,更在大學期間經濟及會計科目均取得A級的佳績。本人為人細心及有耐性,目前已有四年補習經驗,曾替一名中五學生補習經濟由level2進步至level4。本人能為學生提供一些符合其程度的教材和筆記,以及透過whatsapp隨時解答學生問題,期望能有助學生學習。最後,本人有信心可以勝任這份補習工作,並承諾定會全力以赴教導學生,敬請考慮,望給予機會,謝謝!bachelor degree)5Form six or abovegraduate from university
Hong Kong universityBachelor of Business Administration (Brussels)male專補初中或高中 DSE一對一上門教授, 於歐洲魯汶大學工商管理畢業,會考成績優異,具多年補習經驗,專補英、數、商(經濟,會計)。曾有不少學生班內排名升20名以上,其中有一名中三學生成績由全科不合格大幅升至英文79分(45),數學75分(40)。bachelor degree)Form six or abovegraduate from university
Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityData Sciencemale本人為數據科學 商業智能學學生,教全科 數學 經濟 有不少經驗 本人亦為足球教練,有不少與小朋友相處經驗 我專教補底學生,一位”學霸老師”,佢地未必明白補底學生唔明D咩,需要D咩,但我作為過來人,我就會知補底學生需要D咩。我唔敢話令我嘅學生變成學霸,但一定令佢可以保合格。例子: 我有位中5學生,以往測驗 20/50,而家,40/50bachelor degree)2232Secondary 6College Students
Hong Kong universityFaculty of Business and Economicsmale本人畢業於香港大學,主修經濟金融,副修會計。其後在中文大學完成輔導碩士課程。至大學畢業後,本人於英文中學任教BAFS及經濟科數年,對提升學生應考經濟科考試略有心得。masterSecondary 6現職老師________________________
Education University of Hong Kong創意藝術與文化Female我是2019 dse考生,best five共22分。現就讀香港教育大學創意藝術與文化科學系一年級。曾教導不少中小學生,跟進功課、應付默書考試。有耐性解釋課本知識及講解,會針對不同學生的性格及模式進行補習。bachelor degree)5335*Secondary 6College Students
City University of Hong Kong生物醫學系male本人現正就讀香港城市大學,生物醫學科一年級生。現時為一名兼職補習導師,亦在母校中學中擔任課後中三補習班導師。本人亦有多名初中及小學學生,擁有相當的補習經驗,而且他們的成績皆有進步。本人主要補小學及初中全科,對教學十分有熱誠,對小朋友教學亦十分有耐性。亦能隨時whatsapp問功課。可上課時間:星期一至六 11am-7pm。可隨時開始bachelor degree)4344Secondary 3College Students
Lingnan UniversityBBAFemale本人在跑馬地band1名校聖保祿中學畢業,現就讀八大BBA。本人於dse中文科閱讀卷取得5*、寫作5**、綜合5,英文寫作亦獲5級,ilets 閱讀8.5分,總分7分,相當於dse 5級。本人現有四名學生,三名來自名校小學,一名為band3學校學生,兩人均能在測驗考試中有很大進步。本人提供不同練習及教材,因材施教,更歡迎學生在課外時間whatsapp本人問問題。我很有耐性和喜歡小朋友,希望能透過生動形式,幫助他們學習。希望有機會能幫助 貴子女。bachelor degree)5434Secondary 1College Students
City University of Hong Kong英語國際企業傳意maleHello! I am a University student with major in English and Business. I am a passionate English tutor, and aim to provide 1 – hour and tailor – made Zoom lessons for Primary 1 to 6 students. Grammar concepts such as tense usage, pronoun usage, countable and uncountable nouns, adjective usages, and so on are covered in Zoom lessons.
Also, students are going to learn the link between the main verb and helping verb, and 5W1H question word concepts in reading skills.
Apart from this, they are going to have an oral practice, which is a 1 – min self – introduction.
Furthermore, students are going to learn proper writing skills, such as connectives.
Last but not least, I am confident that the students are more likely to love English with my patience.
Secondary 62342Primary 6 or belowCollege Students
Education University of Hong Kong中文系Female本人已讀畢理大的中文碩士課程。本人已修讀教院開辦的「小學教育(榮譽)學士學位課程(主修音樂,副修普通話)」。於二零零零年,本人在教院必修中文、數學及常識科,主修普通話科,並獲頒小學教育(二年制)證書。

在普通話方面,本人已通過基準試各卷的評核,並獲得達到基準四級以上的成績。為了增加本科知識,晚在教院內報讀了不少普通話增潤課程(如漢語拼音、正音和朗讀朗誦訓練班) 。晚亦曾擔任普通話導遊、參加普通話朗誦比賽和由國家語委舉辦的普通話水平測試,並獲香港第三屆大專生普通話朗誦比賽(集誦)季軍及考獲普通話水平測試(二級乙等)等級證書。本人亦獲八級鋼琴及八級樂理證書。
masterPrimary 6 or below現職老師________________________
Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversitybusinessFemale對小朋友十分有耐性,有超過兩年的補習經驗,希望可以透過補習讓小朋友明白學習的樂趣,而且盡力提升他們的水平。bachelor degree)3444Primary 6 or belowCollege students

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