特別要求:My son will taking his IGSE in English and Lit this May and needs support with a tutor that is familiar with IGSE and have past papers to work through with him.
特別要求: Grade 13 in Northern Ireland (same as year 12 in England) 2026 考英國AL
補習地區:UK by Zoom
特別要求: 自己本身英國讀書考試/有教英國學生經驗
男仔,勤力受教,成績比較飄忽,上上落落,可能英文比較弱,影響學習,亦不懂答題技巧。 希望藉住補習提升成績。
Prefer Sat and Sun. 平日要傾,但亦可以
相信只可以香港時間星期六或日 1700 後(即當地0900am後)