油尖旺區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 觀塘區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
畢業於band 1 英中 聖保祿中學 dse數學 5 中文閱讀5*, 現時就讀香港浸會大學 地理學系。有四年補習經驗, 包括私人補習或補習社, 私補學生成績大有進步,有的更是全校頭十名,可以提供大量練習, 細心,有耐性,有責任感,準時,可以whatsapp問問題。
九龍城區 | 油尖旺區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
西貢區 | 沙田區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
女 科大學生 4年補習經驗 DSE 英文5*( Reading閱讀5**,Writing寫作5**,Listening and integrated skills綜合5**,Speaking說話5* ) 2021年 IELTS overall 8.0/9.0 (Reading閱讀 9.0,Listening 9.0, Writing寫作 7.5,Speaking 7.0) 通識 liberal studies 5* band one英中畢業 拔尖補底皆可,補過的學生來自 band 1 - 3的中學,例如女拔,喇沙,林大輝中學,更有成人學生及自修生 時間穩定 有耐性 提供筆記和past paper 注重exam skills及練習 隨時whatsapp/signal解答問題 視像補習:zoom, google meet, skype
灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 深水埗區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
本人有多年補習經驗, 亦是專業財務分析師, 有多個學生學習成績大幅改進的經驗, 希望幫到您!
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 葵青區 | 西貢區 | 沙田區 | 荃灣區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
我是2020 Dse 考生,畢業於皇仁書院,於數學核心科目、化學和物理分別取得5*、5和5的成績。 我擁有豐富的數學科與選修科的試題庫,給予學生足夠的操練。課後亦會解答學生的問題。 (注:本人在20/21年度就讀香港大學護理系year1,將會轉學就讀科技大學工程系。)
灣仔區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
我是一位於香港及英國教授逾十二年的全職數學補習導師。我畢業於香港科技大學及香港中文大學,先後修畢機械工程學士及學位教師文憑課程。 在這十多年裏,我大部份時間於業界貝具聲譽的連鎖補習社,為香港的中一到中六學生提供小組教學,包括M1及M2。而於2022年,我於英國倫敦一所私立中學教授GCSE、IGCSE及GCE A-Level課後小組補習課程,包括必修數學部份及選修的附加數學。同時,我亦為能力較佳的初中生,教授提早應考公開考試課程,以讓該些學生能盡早修畢中學及預科數學課程。這些經驗皆讓我對香港及英國的數學課程皆有充分認識。 無論於香港及英國,我教授過不同背景的學生。無論是Band 1頭,以至Band 3尾;數學成績與能力均優異,於十一二歲便應考公開試,到臨公開試前,仍對基礎運算一竅不通的學生;從每日不停溫習,到試前仍不用功學生,我全遇見過。所以,學生背景怎樣,我亦能與其相處。 一個專業的導師的角色是能建立學生學習的興趣及信心,同時培養他們正確的學習態度、方法及技巧的同行者,而非只單向灌輸知識。因此,我鼓勵同學及家長與我一起參與課堂制定,及相互回饋意見。我亦會定期作出報告,以評估學習進程成效。 部份初中同學會在學習代數、方程、幾何證明等課題遇到困難,因為這些課題比較抽象。對於這些學生,我會利用適當比喻講解。例如,我會比喻解方程為比較天秤兩則。 至於高中準備應考DSE的同學,則可能卻步於跨課題或思維較複雜的長題目或多項選擇題。對於這些同學,我會首先提供較多提示,或把長題目分拆,其後把提示逐漸減少,及逐步綜合題目。 此外,由於高中課程課題數量及要求比起初中大幅提高,亦要求學生具有更高階思維,應付不同題型,及更能應付抽象概念,高中的同學容易混淆已學知識及慨念,及愈見欠缺學習方法。固此,我會定期與他們重溫已學課題,並講解每個課題間關連。 一般而言,除非特別指明,或有需要,我的課堂安排主要參考同學日校教學流程。我亦會每課後指派家課,以同學即時得悉自己能否掌握所學知識及技巧。家課的數量可作討論及調整,以讓同學能有效學習之餘,亦避免過多工作量。 每個學生皆是獨特,固此,我會為每個學生度身撰寫練習,迎合個別需要。如有任何需要,請於課堂前提出,以有充足時間準備。我亦歡迎同學隨時問數,無論是否來自我的練習,或是課程範圍,我會盡快作答。我亦歡迎家長隨時與我溝通。 如同學有任何特別學習上的需要,歡迎提出。所有學生,不論其性別、種族、宗教,皆會被平等對待。如同學們願意同時上課(最多4人)、態度良好且報讀課堂時間較長,或有特別困難,可與我相討學費優惠。 我選擇當一位全職自由身補習導師的原因,是因為這可讓我有更多機會培育我的學生、與家長有更直接的溝通,及更能推廣我的教學理念。教育工作是充滿挑戰性,但回報很大。因此,我有志終身投身教育事業,以培育下一代。 I am a full time tutor of mathematics in Hong Kong and the UK for over 12 years. I graduated with a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and obtained a postgraduate diploma in Education in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In these years, I spent most of time on small group tutoring mathematics, including M1 and M2, in some famous chained tutorial centres in Hong Kong. In 2022, I worked as an after school academic tutor in a private school, providing small group tutorials for mathematics and further mathematics for GCSE, IGCSE and GCE A-Level in London. Therefore, I am full of knowledge on the secondary school mathematics in both UK and Hong Kong. No matter in the UK and in Hong Kong, I have met a great variety of background of students from the most outstanding to academically inadequate schools, from highly academically achieved students who can take their GCSE in the age of 11 or 12 to incapable in even basic arithmetic in a short time of public examinations, from highly demanded students who revised hard day by day, to low motivated students who didn't pay any effort even before examinations. In conclusion, I can get along well with each students with every backgrounds. A professional tutor should be a coach for my students, which the role is to build up their interest and confidence, and inspire them both on skills, learning methods and attitudes, but not just someone who just spoon-filling knowledge to them. Therefore, I encourage my students and their parents to participate in setting lesson plans with me, and giving feedbacks towards each other mutually. Reports will be made regularly in order to make regular evaluations on the learning progresses and our effort. Students in the junior forms may find difficulties in learning some strange knowledges such as algebraic expressions, equations, proof related to geometry, etc. For these students, I will explain those concepts by visualising them with appropriate analogies. For example, solving equation is like comparing two sides on the lever. Students in the senior forms may find difficulties in the longer questions or multiple choice questions, which requires more complicated thinking or more steps. For these students, I will help them to develop a mindset of more detailed and concise thinking. This can be done by providing sufficient parts and guidelines for the questions in the beginning first, and gradually them at the later stages. Furthermore, senior forms students normally find themselves mixing up the learnt knowledge and concepts, and feel lost in the direction of learning gradually. It is because the amount of contents, level of difficulties, and requirement of thinkings, the variety of types of questions, and the ability of handling more abstract knowledge, are significantly increased in senior forms. Therefore, I will help these students with more frequent revisions to prevent them from forgetting and mixing up the learnt topics. Also, I will assist them to build a linkage between topics to help them to handle in a comfortable way. Normally, I will follow the teaching process from the day schools of my students, unless otherwise necessary or requested. Homework will be given each lesson to help to them to know if they can acquire some related knowledges and skills promptly. The amount of them can be discussed and adjusted in order to make them learn in an effective and efficient way without too much workload. Every student is unique. Therefore, I make tailor made lessons and even tailor made exercises for each student to cover their individual needs. Please feel free to communicate with me in advance so that I can make a good preparation for you. If a student has some questions about mathematics, even they are not from my exercises or even not in syllabus, he or she can send a message to me and I will answer them as soon as possible. Parents are also strongly encouraged to communicate with me any time. For students who need in special needs in learning, please just do not hesitate to let me know in advance. All the students are treated equally, regardless of sex, race, religion, political believes etc. For students who are willing to be tutored together (maximum is up to 4 at the same time), who has taken part in my lessons for a long time and with good manners, or students or parents who are in some difficulties, special offers are negotiable. The reason I choose to be a full-time freelance tutor is because it offers me more opportunity and effort to inspiring my students and communicate with them and their parents. It also let me promoting my ideology of teaching and learning more. Being an educator is always a challenging but rewarding role. Therefore, I am very willing to devote my whole life being a full time tutor in nurturing our new generations.
沙田區 | 大埔區
工作經驗 : 兩至三年
本人就讀香港中文大學英文及英文教育學三年級。有豐富補習經驗,能將複雜難懂的英文語法以簡單,系統化的方式呈現,使能力較弱的學生也能輕易學懂。如同學有需要,亦可以全英文上課,使同學沉浸於英文環境中。上課時會提供補習筆記,包括英文語法,詞彙,以及作文筆記等。 I am currently a year-3 enrolled in the English and English Education program offered by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. I am able to present complex, abstract grammar concepts in a systematic manner, which allows students to learn effectively. Lessons can be delivered in English in order to immerse students' in a better language environment if required. Notes on grammar, vocabulary items, and writings will be provided for students.
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 觀塘區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
就讀香港大學內外全科醫學士一年級,聖保羅男女中學畢業,2021dse學生,數學,生物,物理以及化學5**,英文5*。提供自製筆記和練習,提供whatsapp 問書服務+名校試題,有教授中小學生經驗。
工作經驗 : 沒有經驗
現時就讀於香港都會大學理學士一年級, 比較擅長數理科目, 以及中文科範文部分.本人性格隨和, 有耐心 ,務求令同學可以用不同方法幫助學習 補習按程度 90-160/h 小學至初中程度均可