中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
(1)具備香港大學統計學碩士學位,現任香港金融投研分析師 (2)擁有1年中學家教經驗,帶過學生10余名,均取得了10-30+分的成績提升 (3)留學申請及文書撰寫經驗2年,助力30+學生收穫港五大offer (4)商科副學士輔導經驗半年,獲得學生同事的一致好評
工作經驗 : 一年以下
您好,我是一位年輕的中文導師,剛剛高中畢業並且對於教育充滿熱情。我雖然沒有太多的教學經驗,但我相信我的學習經驗和知識能夠幫助學生們在中文學習上取得更好的成績和更大的進步。 我的教學風格是親和力強,注重與學生的互動和溝通。我會透過簡單易懂的方式,啟發學生的學習興趣和學習策略,幫助他們更好地理解和掌握知識。同時,我也注重學生的學習情況和進度,定期與家長溝通和回饋,共同努力讓學生取得更好的學習成果。 我相信教學是一種持續的過程,我會不斷地學習和進步,提升自己的教學能力和教學質量,讓學生能夠獲得更好的學習體驗和成果
葵青區 | 荃灣區
工作經驗 : 沒有經驗
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 觀塘區 | 黃大仙區 | 葵青區 | 北區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區
工作經驗 : 兩至三年
DSE 最佳6科考獲28分,擅長數理科目,可提供past paper。中學時期用英文修讀數學,中文修讀會計及物理
中西區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 深水埗區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
Hello!我係Carrick sir!現正就讀理工大學放射學Year 1。DSE考獲best 5 28分。其中物理考獲5**以及化學考獲5*。具有豐富備試經驗,希望能分享相關知識。能提供自家製筆記和歷屆題目。希望能得到家長們的信任。
深水埗區 | 葵青區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
!男導師誠招補習學生! 2022 DSE考生 現就讀於香港科技大學 補習對象:中四至中六 補習科目:數學(必修)/數學(延伸2) 🙅🏻不提倡死記硬背 🙅🏻不會只給答案 💁🏻耐心教學 💁🏻線上查詢 隨時解決疑難 💁🏻上門/zoom教學 💁🏻可中英教學 (雅思7分 英文無問題🙆🏼) 💁🏻可按照家長要求準備教材/練習 💁🏻傳授讀書方式 釐清學習目標 可上門地區:荃灣附近一帶 (遠嘅話可再傾) 時間和收費:pm 如有任何查詢 歡迎pm我!
中西區 | 東區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
Hi, I'm Amos and I recently came back to Hong Kong from Canada. I have experience teaching English in a classroom and individual setting. I am TESOL Canada I certified and would love to see how I can help you with your English proficiency!
九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 沒有經驗
本人畢業於band 1A傳統名校聖保羅書院,現就讀於城市大學電腦科學系,提供全科或專科補習,可照顧不同學習需要
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
I am a Year 3 student of Accounting and Finance at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I took accounting as my elective subject since I was in secondary school. I developed a great interest and passion in this subject during these years. I like the challenge of facing difficulties because I will always get stronger after that. I find myself always enjoy the analysis process. And I always got a sense of accomplishment whenever I solved a complicated problem or tackled an error. Thus, I believe that Accounting fits me a lot. I am a person always with a positive attitude; hence, my secondary school teachers offered me many different opportunities to explore and learn, not limited academically. I am thankful that I was once in the basketball team, prefect team and social service leader team. Especially in the prefect team, I had a chance to organise a variety of activities for our schoolmates and local community, such as annual carnivals and all sorts of volunteer services. Throughout the process, my teammates and I overcome every difficulty with the guidance of my teachers, but my teachers never gave us any clear or direct answer and solution, however they left us plenty room to think of a creative solution to tackle the problems. This gave us all an invaluable experience, and nurture us to become a creative, perseverant, optimistic, independent person who always willing to serve and learn. Last year, my friends and I participated in a competition held by HPSHCC. And we won ourselves a chance to get involved in the Lunar New Year Fair. We have to work independently to bid and design the stand, contact the manufacturers and promote the stand before the Fair. As the finance of my team, I was in charge of balancing the accounts and budgeting. I realised the seriousness of being an accountant; unlike in examinations, any little mistakes could end up in “crisis” to my groupmates. There is no room for mistakes; this is a real-life experience for us; I have to bring all the theories learned into practice. I faced up with the heavy workload and complicated problems of which let me recognise how challenging and how stressful an accountant would face in reality. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the organising process in which I gained even more confidence in becoming a successful accountant.