工作經驗 : 一年以下
本人是2020年應屆考生,現就讀於香港中文大學法律系Year1。本人DSE中文總分為5*,其中卷二寫作5*,卷三綜合能力5**,SBA分數經考評局調整後為83/100 (未調整前為90/100)。本人DSE 英文總分為5,其中卷二寫作為5*,其中Part B 文章(佔寫作卷六成分)在覆核後獲滿分;卷四說話為5**,SBA分數經考評局調整後高達91/100(未調整前為92/100)。
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 離島區 | 葵青區 | 沙田區 | 荃灣區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
Hello dear, I am a highly experienced tutor and teacher of O/A level (IGCSE and GCSE) Chemistry, Biology and Physics. I have personally done CAIE O and A levels with 7A*s and 2A's in O levels in the following subjects; Chemistry - A* Biology - A* Physics- A* D-Math- A* Add. Math- A* Urdu as a second language- A* Pakistan Studies- A* Islamiat- A English as a second language-A A ' Level record: (secured 100% scholarship from my respective A level school- Nixor College, Karachi, Pakistan) Biology (9700) - A* Chemistry (9701) - A* Physics (9702) - A* Math(9709, P1,S1,P3,S2) - A* These are ALL straight A*s in A'levels. I have been teaching A' level Chemistry and Physics since I personally was in my A' level school in AS level, as a teaching assistant and secured the record number of teaching hours due to which secured the "pear to pear teaching award" from my school back in 2019. In 2019, after my A'level graduation, I got accepted into Karachi's top merit Medical School, "Dow University of Health Sciences", having out competed a super competitive entrance exam in which the acceptance ratio was only 2.5%, I managed to secure the top 30th rank out of a total student count of 10,000! In 2021, I was hired by my A 'level school, Nixor College, as a teacher to teach A 'level Chemistry! I taught there alongside my medical education and managed to complete 2 years of teaching A' level Chemistry! (proof attached) In 2023, I resigned since I had to focus more on my increasingly demanding M.B.B.S education. Now I am about to graduate my Med school in 2-3 months' time, after which I shall be applying for higher education in Hong Kong. Currently, I am residing in Hong Kong, since I am on a break from my university, due to my appointment in the immigration for PR approval. I plan on staying in Hong Kong permanently now, except when i would be required to appear for my final year exam for a few days. Given the insight of my vast experience, I have also managed to setup my own youtube channel, which has over 7600+ subscribers, (youtube.com/shahfahadkhan) where I teach Chemistry and Physics of multiple levels starting from A levels all the way to college entry test level chemistry and physics. Given that I have a good grip on chem and physics, I am very confident on biology as well, since my major is in Human Biology. I can provide my services both in person and online,(since I have been teaching Online even before the advent of COVID-19, in 2019. So far, I have taught students in multiple countries globally, including the following; Hong Kong United States of America United Kingdom Qatar Turkiye UAE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Oman Pakistan Tanzania Having said all of the above information, I would request if you are interested in taking a demo of my skills and utilizing them to your advantage, this will help improve the quality of your education. Yours Sincerely. Shah Fahad Khan (founder, youtube.com/shahfahadkhan)
荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
我現時就讀於CUHK數學系 於2022年度DSE的數學及M2分別取得5*及5的成績 於2023及2024年指導不少學生,使他們在數學上有明顯進步 甚至提升最高3個等級(level 2 -> level 5) 我會提供中英對照的筆記和練習,因此不論任何中學的學生皆適合 我也歡迎學生於課外時間通過不同途徑問功課,上課內容 Practice makes perfect~
深水埗區 | 油尖旺區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
本人是香港教育大學中文教育系的大二生。 曾於18-19文憑試中文本科獲得5,綜合分卷5** 説話分卷5* 。 本人初中成績不佳,多次被師長看輕蔑視,入不到大學。憑自己努力自修,反思檢討學習策略,在高中時突飛猛進,連續三年於中文本科考獲全級首十名,更在中六級中取得通識科,中文科 ,中國歷史科第一名 本人堅信成績不佳的同學只要有心學習並努力付出,縱使比其他同輩花更多精力,終究會殊途同歸,找到適合自己的學習方法。 本人有兩年補習經驗,學生來自協恩名校,其他地區中學等,亦有補SED學生的經驗。本人因應學生能力優劣,製作合適的筆記及試卷,讓每一個學生有所得着,因應個人能力成長。最後希望各位學生能賜予本人機會,本人定當竭盡所力,傾囊相助。
中西區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 沙田區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 離島區 | 葵青區 | 西貢區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
路漫漫其修遠兮 吾將上下而求索 Passion
九龍城區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 葵青區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
葵青區 | 荃灣區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
本人現正就讀香港大學工程系一年級。現時正在母校作為數學小組導師,並曾在補習社擔任導師,有一定補習經驗。在數學獲得5*,m1部份獲得5,對數學有一定的心得。耐心解答數學問題,直至明白為止。課後設有WhatsApp 問書服務。
南區 | 灣仔區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 葵青區 | 北區 | 西貢區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 兩至三年