中西區 | 深水埗區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
現就讀香港中文大學經濟系 2021年DSE考生 會教授親身使用過,有用的考試技巧。 保證在能在考試中應用 有三年豐富高中經濟科補習經驗 清楚了解文憑試出題方式 能夠濃縮課程內容,著重考試重點。 有學生在補習後從全級最後幾名爬上全班頭2-3名。 能清concept 課後問功課 有責任心和守時
中西區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 葵青區 | 荃灣區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 兩至三年
I am a Year 4 student with more than 4 years of tutor experience for the primary and secondary school students. I have successfully improved primary students' learning efficiency and helping the F.6 student with his maths and econ DSE exam.
中西區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
Hi! I'm Gavin, a fresh graduate from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, America with a bachelor's in Human Biology and a GPA of 3.989. I have spent most of my life in Hong Kong and only traveled to America for University. My interests include all things sports-related, with myself being an avid tennis player, hiking enthusiast, and gym-goer, as well as drawing and folding origami. While I enjoy biology, I also have a strong interest in mathematics and physics. I am patient and attentive, I understand that everyone has a learning and studying style that works best for them, and I will do my best to help students figure out their style so that they can continue to do well and succeed in future academic endeavors.
觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
補習中4 經濟 及小學生 經驗 可提供練習 彈性補習時間
中西區 | 東區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 西貢區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
I m an university student in CUHK. I took Alevel and GCSE courses from CIE. Now taking Computer Engineering. French and Creative Media as minor. Fluent Cantonese and English. Native mandarin.
九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 離島區 | 西貢區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
本人於加拿大回流, 回港後於港島英中畢業, 及後於中文大學畢業, 成績優異. 有多年補習經驗, 能提供筆記. I was born in Hong Kong and had my early years education in Canada. I returned to Hong Kong and after passing the HKCEE and HKAL with flying colours, I graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009, spending a year in Science Po Paris as an exchange student. I have tutored plenty of students in the past, from developing conversational skills with very young kids to working with high school students on various subjects for their exams. Besides tutoring academically, I have taught piano and music theory for many years and I have recently started to teach students playing the harp as well. As a tutor, I am very patient and passionate. I do my best for the students to achieve their goals they set out. However, striking a balance is important. On one hand we aim to be successful, but on the other hand we must not forget learning is fun. I am a strong believer that kids and students, especially in Hong Kong, need tools and means to get through the exam system, but it doesn’t have to be boring. At times we do need to be exam oriented, but we shouldn’t take the fun out of learning. I am a fluent speaker of both Cantonese and English, therefore, happy to teach in either language. I have a very flexible schedule and prefer one, therefore, I am basically free weekdays and weekends at any time but will require coordination. Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
九龍城區 | 北區 | 沙田區 | 大埔區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
Hello,我是蔡圳灝導師,現屆香港城市大學創意媒體系學生,副修經濟及數學,曾教過小學全科、高中經濟、數學及功課輔導班,1年補習經驗,匈牙利布達佩斯exchange 過半年,Econ:Lv.5,Math Lv5, m2 lv.5,可提供練習及筆記,考試測驗前可額外加時間或加堂,有學業問題可WhatsApp問
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
碩士學歷,修讀心理學、媒體藝術、行為治療, 現職特殊教育學童治療師,十年以上工作經驗。 流利粵語、國語、英語、手語。
中西區 | 東區 | 灣仔區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
你好,本人是一名就讀於樹仁大學四年級的學生,曾就讀本港傳統女名校,主要的補習科目為中文及英文。本人擁有兩年的補習經驗,學生分別來自聖士提反女子中學、香港真光中學(小學部)、聖保羅書院等等。 我是一名有耐心、對教學非常有熱心的導師,除了在課堂上指導學生外,還會額外提供練習供學生備課,盡力提升學生在學習上的能力。