中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 沒有經驗
今屆DSE考生 獲 Imperial College London + UCL (University College London) + Edinburgh offer 小學就讀於拔萃女小學 中學就讀於拔萃女書院 Straight “A”s 獲4年學校學業獎學金 英文(閱讀/寫作/綜合)全 A+(predicted grades = 5**) IELTS 平均分8.5/9, reading + listening 滿分 9/9 數學 A+(predicted grades = 5**) M2 A+ (predicted grades = 5**) 生物 BIOLOGY A (predicted grades = 5**)+ 曾是全級第一,獲subject prize + 校外模擬試 5** 全港>450學生中排No.6 + 曾在校外比賽獲獎 化學 CHEMISTRY A+ (predicted grades = 5**)+ 校外模擬試 5*-5** 物理 PHYSICS A+ (predicted grades = 5**)
工作經驗 : 沒有經驗
中西區 | 灣仔區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
家長,學生你好!我叫Ally,是聖士提反女子中學的畢業生,現就讀香港大學藥劑學學士三年級。我於香港大學醫學院院長嘉許榜 (Dean’s Honour List),DSE成績:化學 5**,生物5*,英文5*,數學5*,IELTS總分:8.5/9。我已有3年的補習經驗,並且熟悉UCAS英國大學聯招制度,可協助有意報讀英國大學的學生 (eg. 改personal statement)。補習形式包括功課及溫習輔導,提供自製筆記,練習及模擬試卷。有興趣請PM,價錢、時間可議🙇🏻♀️
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 油尖旺區 | 葵青區 | 沙田區
工作經驗 : 兩至三年
本人為香港大學教育系(幼兒教育及特殊教育)二年級生,喜歡小朋友主動以及有耐性。畢業於傳統名校聖保祿學校,曾於英國公開試IGCSE以及香港文憑試考獲佳績,並擁有四年補習經驗,教授學生包括:協恩、德望、女拔等傳統名校,熟悉各校不同考試模式,為子女量身訂做合適的溫習計畫,更會定時跟家長匯報進度,以致家長亦可知道子女程度。為配合疫情,亦具備zoom 補習的材料,方便家長選擇。
深水埗區 | 油尖旺區 | 北區 | 沙田區
工作經驗 : 沒有經驗
I grew up abroad and studied at an international school for both my IGCSE and A-levels. Hence, my first language is English, and parents and teachers often appreciate my fluency in speaking English. I have worked as a private tutor for the past 4 years (with students from different backgrounds and ages), as well as a Secondary school for their English enrichment program for the past 2 years. I am a friendly and patient teacher who can work well with primary and secondary school students! My past students said they enjoyed interacting with me and how I made the lessons more interesting.
中西區 | 灣仔區 | 九龍城區 | 觀塘區 | 深水埗區 | 黃大仙區 | 油尖旺區 | 葵青區 | 沙田區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區
工作經驗 : 一至兩年
本人於中西區名校畢業,現為香港大學 year 1 主修生物。於DSE中生物取得5及日文A級,可以提供生物及日文補習。本人有耐性,不怕麻煩,能提供練習幫助補底、講解及應對不同題目。
中西區 | 東區 | 南區 | 灣仔區 | 深水埗區 | 油尖旺區 | 葵青區 | 北區 | 大埔區 | 荃灣區 | 屯門區 | 元朗區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
Graduate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mathematics Department, with 11 years experience, sophisticated in IB, GCEAL, GCSE, HKDSE Math and Further Math. I am a full-time mathematics tutor. I graduated from the Department of Mathematics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I have 11 years of tutoring experience and have taught classes of more than 20 people. I have excellent public examination results (Math & M2 5**, BAFS 5**), and won the first place in Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Mock Exam of a large tutoring center. I has taught in prestigious schools such as DBS, La Salle, St. Stephen, St. Paul Co-Ed, etc. All students have achieved excellent results and made significant progress (from Level 2 --> 5*, 4 --> 5** in DSE, and Grade A* in GCEAL Math and Further Math etc.). I can teach junior school Math, high school HKDSE Core Math & M2, BAFS (Accounting), IBDP Math(SL/HL), GCSE, GCEAL(Pure Math/Further Math), and IAL. I provide my own exclusive notes, original and refined systematic design, from simple to deep.
工作經驗 : 沒有經驗
I am currently a graduate of physiotherapy in the UK, and am taking some time off before going into full time working. I can provide online tutoring through zoom with flexible sessions. I have some past tutoring experience and am good at tailoring sessions as per student's needs.
東區 | 觀塘區 | 西貢區
工作經驗 : 一年以下
深水埗區 | 油尖旺區
工作經驗 : 三年以上
Hello everybody! I am Ms Lui and I am a NET teacher who can also speak Chinese. Recently, I obtained my CertTESOL and I am keen to teach children from kindergarten to lower primary. I am familiar with both local school and international school admission requirements. In the past, I've helped students to get admitted into top primary schools in Hong Kong.